Thursday, January 19, 2012


The Elpitiya Magistrate”SCREAMS” he is having Aids....Aids:

The witness, Sub Inspector of Police complaints to the Elpitiya, Keselwatta Police and the Judiciary Service Commission to take disciplinary action against the Magistrate claiming damages for defamation:
It is the normal practice for Judges to give verdicts and impose punishments on suspects. It is rarely heard and seen instances where witnesses are placed into severe embarrassment and Judges had to face opposite consequences.
A Sub Inspector of Police, Jayalath Kulawardena attached to the Keselwatta Police station had to give evidence as a witness in a case in his native village Elpitiya. He had to give evidence in a case at the Elpitiya courts as a witness. He had to give evidence from the witness box clad casually in a T shirt. The Judge, of Elpitiya courts K.S.Samaradiwakara had questioned him “as to why he was casually clad particularly as he is Police Officer”. The Sub Inspector quipped that he is subjected to a acute skin decease and he had sort permission from the related authorities of the Police department to wear casuals  even when attending for official matters.
The Magistrate, in excitement and astonishment had “SCREAMED, He is having Aids....Aids. He had touched some official books, do not touch them as others also would acquire the dreaded decease, and remove them immediately.”The Sub Inspector was shocked and amazed as it happened in front of his own native people in his village. The fact that he was having a rare skin decease was not known to many.
The sub Inspector was in sheer embarrassment got out of the witness box and immediately complained about the ugly utterings of the Magistrate to the Elpitiya Police initially and the to the Keselwatta Police and finally to the Judiciary Service Commission to initiate disciplinary action against the particular Magistrate and had wanted compensation for defamation.


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