Thursday, December 15, 2011


28 year of Venezuela beauty queen dies of breast cancer
She had lately become a Buddhist

By shaking the world with deep grief the ex-Venuzuela beauty queen Eva Ekvall succumbed to breast cancer, the dreaded decease which spread over her body died on the 17th December at a Hospital in Houstan in America. At the time of her demise she was only 28 years old. She was the mother of a one year old daughter.
She was crowned the Beauty Queen of Venezuela in the year 2000 and represented her country in the Miss World contest where she was placed 4th.  
Her symptoms of cancer were detected only last year in the year 2010.After she was elected as the beauty Queen of Venuzuela she became a very popular Television presenter and also became author of many books. The suffering she underwent and to make awareness among the masses especially women about breast cancer she wrote a book FUERA DE FOCO (OUT OF FOCUS), She explained the experiences of her suffering to the layman. Although she was able to delight the people through her beauty she had ultimately to shave her head and become bald. This forced her to be away from the attraction of her enthusiasts.
By listening to her father by reading books she decided to change her religion to become a true Buddhist. Thus she was the only non Christian to be crowned as Miss Venezuela. She followed Dalai Lama’s Buddhist principles. She published books with great expectations and sacrifice about breast cancer in particular.


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